Synthesizing dream-like experiences that dissolve the line between art and technology

We are a team of experimental digital artists based in New York City. Combining years of experience in music event programming, photography, graphic design, sound engineering, coding, and DJ'ing we are exploring the intersection between sound, movement, and shape. Driven by a deep connection with dance music culture, we are working to create a unique fusion of live performance and interactive audio-visual environments using emerging technologies like augmented and virtual reality, projection mapping, and contextual sensors. more

neon.Body is a work-in-progress augmented reality installation piece about dance and dancers. Utilizing motion-capture and volumetric scans of several dancers working in predominantly marginalized dance styles, it employs AR technology (via the Magic Leap One platform) to deconstruct and manipulate the movements, ultimately decontextualizing them from the social preconceptions our culture holds about certain bodies and dance styles. more

We produced and performed visuals for the first iteration of the Sevdah Body dance/music/painting performance by Circuit Debris on 04/12/19. We used DepthKit for volumetric capture, post-processed the footage in Unity and performed the piece with VDMX in situ. This is a short sampling of the piece.

neon.One is a work-in-progress audio-visual environment reactive to the viewer’s location within the room. Three music tracks and three sets of visuals blend seamlessly depending on the spectator's location in their space.

Ray Weitzenberg headshot

Ray Weitzenberg

Artist, Technologist

Ray is a visual artist and technologist living and working in Brooklyn. In 1994 via the mechanism of photography he discovered a profound appreciation for light. This led to capture, manipulation and projection of visuals at venues ranging from art galleries to loft parties and city streets. In addition to his original photography and video, most recently Ray has been developing programmatically created imagery in VR and AR environments. He currently works as a senior frontend developer at UNIQLO USA.

Andrey Radovski headshot

Andrey Radovski

Lead Designer

Andrey is a professional sound engineer, experimental musician, and DJ who draws on his contributions to award-winning feature films, live audio-visual shows, underground dance parties, and multimedia theater to create ephemeral dream-like experiences through an emerging medium of mixed reality. Andrey’s past credits include contributions to official selections at Sundance, SXSW Film, and Berlin Film Festival, as well as to shows at BRIC Arts, Here Arts Center, Gibney Dance, and dance music events highlighted by Resident Advisor and TimeOut NY.